April 2023

My journey began in February 21, 2023 to Davao City, Philippines. I bought a  cheaper price plane fare, but it seemed not worth it because it took me almost 48 hours to arrive in my city due to long lay-overs in LAX and HKG. The next day, I spoke to a large group of Christian leaders on the topic of Evangelism. The service ended up with a commitment prayer to be proactive in fulfilling the Great Commission. The next day was the Preparation Meeting and Prayer Retreat for the upcoming international Evangelistic Event of International Commission. It was well attended by 14 churches of Davao Southern Baptist Churches. The IC Philippine Director, Ruth Masuecos did a great job in putting everything together, from preparation to  launching. 



There were at least 4 projects in different location. The first one was with a church that is predominantly Bagobo and B’Laan Indigenous People Group. My sister, Ruth is one of the pioneers and a church planter of this church. 

The second project was in 


Cotabato City. Our partner church was the Cathedral of Praise led by Pastor Jerry and Arlie Vecino. They took us to one of their ministries at the outskirts of the city. We ministered to more than a hundred Teduray Indigenous People Group. A pastor who spoke their dialect was the 


one who preached. 

The third project was in Cebu City where my sister Jane and I traveled by air. The mission site is a squatter village. It was a different experience. Our partner church was Christian Church of

From Cebu, we flew to Iloilo City to conduct the fourth project. The program schedule was the same; first we shared the gospel, gave the children slippers, followed by giving of Care packages to the parents. Then we give them nutritious food. We are indeed blessed to be able to minister. 

It was recorded that there were 847 people who heard the gospel. There were 532 men, women and children who indicated they surrendered their hearts to Jesus. Truly the Lord is greatly to be praised for what He has done in the Philippines. 

On an added news, International Commission, Philippines will have an evangelistic project in June where I am privileged to lead the US Team of 18 participants. 

Please include the whole project in your prayer. Should you wish to receive a Prayer Guide on this project, please let me know. Our preparation is looking good but we need more prayers and funds for some participants.

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